How To Prevent Hair Loss In Young Males

How to Preventand Maintain Hair Loss?
Although it is common, it does not mean that hair loss cannot be overcome. If you experience it, you can naturally do the treatment for hair loss in men.

Using Green Tea

The first way, try using green tea. This one material does have a myriad of benefits for the body, especially hair and skin. For own hair, green tea is allegedly able to help accelerate hair growth while reducing hair problems.

How to use it is easy. Take two green tea bags, then boil. Just one cup is enough. After that, wait until the water is warm enough and apply evenly to the hair roots. Let stand for one hour, then rinse your head clean.

Also Try Coconut Oil

The second way to treat and deal with hair loss that you can try is to use coconut oil. In coconut oil, there are vitamins and essential fatty acids that are good for scalp health. In fact, coconut oil has been used to nourish hair since the days of the ancient kingdom, you know!

Well, using this oil is also fairly easy. Pour enough into a saucer, wipe it all over the scalp and do a light massage. This massage can help keep hair follicles active.

Wash Hair with Vinegar

The next way to treat hair loss for men is vinegar. Vinegar is indeed a flavoring for food. However, it turns out this natural ingredient also has benefits for hair health. Vinegar contains acetic acid, amino acids, also vitamins B1 and B2. In hair, vinegar is used to treat hair loss to make hair more straight and shiny naturally.

So that your hair doesn't fall out, use this vinegar solution after you wash your hair like a conditioner. Let stand for approximately two to three minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Applying Aloe Vera to Hair

The benefits of aloe vera are already familiar in the world of beauty. The inside of the thorny plant is rich in vitamins and minerals that are very good for skin and hair beauty. Not only makes the skin smoother, aloe vera is also good for reducing hair loss. Simply take part of aloe vera meat, then wipe and massage throughout the scalp. Let stand a few moments, then rinse thoroughly.

Use Eggs Masks

Finally, you can use eggs to prevent and treat hair loss. Eggs have a fairly high protein content, and protein is one of the nutrients needed for hair growth. Just use an egg, shake until mixed, and use as a mask. You can use this egg mask before shampooing. Then rinse your hair with shampoo to remove the fishy odor from the egg until it's clean.

Causes of Hair Loss for Men

how to prevent hair loss in young males
Hair loss is actually a normal thing to a certain degree. The normal category is if hair falls 50-100 strands every day.

In men, the most common cause of hair loss is male pattern baldness caused by increased sensitivity to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

"Nearly 50 percent of men will experience hair loss when they are 50. Hair loss can also begin at a young age, especially if you have a genetic predisposition to hair loss," said Robert Glatter, a doctor from Lenox Hill Hospital, who often handles hair problems. fall out.

If you have not reached the age of 50 and have experienced continuous loss, this could be a sign of baldness.

In general, there are several causes of hair loss in men:

1. Dandruff
About 40 percent of men have dandruff which is commonly called seborrheic dermatitis. This can be caused by hormonal changes or excessive fluctuations in oil production on the skin. The good news is that seborrheic dermatitis can be treated and the hair will grow thick again in a period of eight months.

2. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes excessive skin cell growth, and thick, scaly white patches appear on the scalp. Similar to dandruff, but the scales are thicker.

"You can scratch your head to relieve itching, but it can cause hair loss," Glatter said.

To reduce itching on the scalp and hair loss, limit the use of hair dryers or vise that can make the scalp heat up.

Compress the scalp with problems with ice water or a wet towel to relieve the itching. There are several shampoo products on the market that can help.

In more severe cases, said Glatter, dermatologists can prescribe oral medications, topical creams, and ointments, along with the use of ultraviolet light therapy to treat symptoms.

3. Ringworm
Ringworm also called tinea is a fungal infection that produces scaly red patches on the skin. Ringworm can also occur on the scalp.

"Once the area is treated with oral antifungal drugs, the hair usually grows back within 6-12 months. However, some hair loss may still be permanent," said Glatter.

4. Hypothyroidism
Although more common in women, hypothyroidism (or maximal thyroid function) in men can cause fatigue, constipation and weight gain.

In fact, this disease can cause difficulty concentrating, depression, and hair loss. "Hair, nails and skin can become weaker and can break more easily," said Glatter.

5. Hairdressing tool
If you have long hair, tying your hair too tight can also cause hair follicles to weaken. This is what Glatter says can cause hair loss and reduced hair volume.

The use of chemicals and hot hair styling tools can also cause hair loss.

"Gels and wax do not directly contribute to hair loss, but can weaken the hair shaft when used in the long term, making hair brittle and more easily damaged and broken," said Glatter.

6. Often coloring hair
According to data from a marketing research company in 2012, 7 percent of men color their hair. If you are one of them, the habit of coloring hair might weaken the condition of the hair.

Many hair dyes contain paraphenylendiamine which can increase the risk of hair loss.

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