How To Reverse Hair Loss From Stress

Are you also one of the people who struggle with hair loss problems? Not everyone has healthy and beautiful hair, like Rapunzel.

There is one hair problem that most annoys women, in addition to tangles, namely hair loss. Statistical calculations show that around 12% of women experience hair loss problems at the age of 30 years, while about 40% of other women experience hair loss at the age of 40 years. However, what is the real cause of hair loss?

In the opinion of some beauticians, the main cause of hair loss is stress. When a person experiences severe stress, the hair follicles become premature and are followed by hair loss.

A stressed body will divert all its resources to necessary activities, this means a lack of attention to hair growth and maintenance, no wonder you experience loss.
The initial signs of loss are usually because you lack vitamin intake.

The easiest thing you can do to prevent hair loss is yoga, massage, music, reading, and practicing positive thoughts. Don't look for something instant, including for hair loss.

Try Natural Ways to Reverse Hair Loss With This

How To Reverse Hair Loss From Stress
If you are still hesitant to use chemical hair care products, you can use natural ingredients that can be found at home! The following are recommendations on how to deal with hair loss naturally and of course effective to try!

1. Coconut oil

If you have an oily scalp, you can use it a few hours before shampooing. Coconut oil has been believed for generations to reduce hair loss. Not only that, it can also make your hair shiny.

2. Peppermint oil, effective in increasing hair growth and hair loss drugs

Peppermint essential oil increases the thickness of the scalp and the number of hair follicles. This oil is also useful for accelerating hair growth from inside the body.

That's because peppermint oil contains menthol which makes the blood vessels enlarge, thus encouraging hair growth. You can rub it directly into your head skin.

3. Jojoba oil, suitable for accelerating hair growth

Jojoba oil comes from the seeds of the Zizyphus jujube plant. Reporting from the Food and Chemical Toxicology study, jojoba oil applied to shaved hair will encourage more hair growth than hair that doesn't use jojoba oil.

4. Oil bergamot essence, helps increase hair growth and keeps the scalp healthy

Bergamot essential oils are useful for healing wounds and reducing inflammation. In addition, it is also useful for increasing hair growth and keeping the scalp healthy. You just apply it to the skin of your head.

5. Aloe vera, effective in dealing with hair loss and preventing baldness

Aloe vera has been handed down for generations to treat hair loss and prevent baldness. It's easy to use, you just peel the aloe and rub it into the hair, starting from the scalp to the tip of the hair.

6. Olive oil, effective for hair loss, dryness, branching and restoring the natural color of hair

You can get this benefit by applying it to your hair while gently massaging it. Do it at night and clean it the next morning.

7. Pecan oil, effective for hair fertilizers, overcome baldness and darken hair

How to get the oil, you only need to burn pecan. After that, puree it to remove the oil. Oil is what you can use to treat hair loss.

8. Urang-aring oil, to prevent hair loss, dryness and branching

Take a little debt-aring leaves and soak in water. You can squeeze or puree to get the oil.

9. Green tea is also suitable for growing bald hair

Brew green tea with warm water and use it to wet the head. Let stand for about one hour and rinse with shampoo.

10. Lime, suitable for preventing hair loss and removing dandruff

Simply cut and apply to the scalp for about one hour. Rinse thoroughly.

11. Shallots, useful for growing hair loss naturally

It's easy, prepare one clove of garlic and puree. Apply to the scalp for a few minutes then rinse. Don't take too long or your head will smell.

That was the way to deal with hair loss naturally and effectively. You just choose which one is the most suitable and easy to find. Prevent before experiencing baldness

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