How To Use Coconut Milk For Hair Loss

Coconut milk is not only useful as ingredients, such as vegetable lodeh or tasty rendang, but can be used to treat hair. What are the benefits of coconut milk for hair beauty?
How To Use Coconut Milk For Hair Loss

Because the texture is slippery and oily, coconut milk can be used as a natural conditioner. The natural oil content in coconut milk makes hair softer and easier to manage. The trick, apply coconut milk to the hair after shampooing, like using a conditioner. Also, if the hair is matted, you can drip a little coconut milk and comb it. The hair will break down without breaking.

Repair damaged hair
Coconut milk is very effective to improve the condition of damaged hair. Coconut milk has a very high oil and nutrient content, so it can provide natural moisture from the roots to the ends of the hair. The trick, use coconut milk for creambath. Put coconut milk on the scalp and massage for 3 to 5 minutes. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair as usual. This method will restore damaged, dry, brittle and branched hair, and improve the health of hair follicles.

Nourishing hair
Your hair falls out? Don't worry, coconut milk can also be used to overcome hair loss while stimulating hair growth. Santan rich in protein can nourish the scalp. Do creambath with coconut milk once a week. The trick, use thick coconut milk, apply on the scalp and hair. Massage your head to facilitate blood circulation and so that the coconut milk's nutrients are absorbed perfectly. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair.

Coconut Milk For Hair Loss

How to deal with hair loss with coconut milk also varies. Compared to using hair care products that contain coconut milk, it is better to naturally use coconut milk directly. Coconut milk is usually used as a hair mask and is often mixed by other natural ingredients to support perceived benefits. Here are some ways to deal with hair loss with coconut milk:

Coconut hair mask

Before starting how to deal with hair loss with this coconut milk, first choose the fresh coconut. Take the coconut meat and grate it. Grated water is added and then put into a thin cloth. Squeeze the grated cloth to get the coconut milk from the grater. Strain the coconut milk and heat it for 5 minutes. After heating, wait for the coconut milk to cool slightly, then keep the coconut milk in the refrigerator for several hours.

After you are ready to use a coconut milk mask, apply the coconut milk to the scalp and hair evenly. Gently massage the scalp for 5 minutes. Leave the coconut milk in the hair for 3-4 hours. When finished, rinse the coconut hair mask with shampoo using shampoo. If needed, use conditioner after shampooing. This method can be done twice a week.

Coconut milk and honey hair mask

Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This trait is needed to fight infections caused by fungi and bacteria on the scalp. Infection of the scalp is very risky to cause hair loss.

How to deal with hair loss with coconut milk and honey begins by mixing ½ cup of coconut milk and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture to wet hair and scalp evenly. After completely covering this hair mask, cover the hair with a shower cap and let it sit for 1-2 hours. When finished, rinse the hair with shampoo. This method can be done quite once a week.

Coconut milk and olive oil hair mask

Olive oil has the benefit of moisturizing the scalp without clogging the hair roots. A moist scalp will reduce hair loss due to dry hair. No clogging of hair roots helps to overcome the problem of dandruff in the hair. Therefore, this mixture of coconut milk and olive oil is very good for people who also have dandruff problems.

Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut milk with olive oil. Using the help of a cotton ball, apply this mixture to the scalp and hair thoroughly. Head massage using fingertips for 5-10 minutes. Let this hair mask stand for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo using shampoo. How to deal with hair loss with coconut milk and olive oil can be done 3 times a week.

Coconut milk mask and lemon juice

Lemon juice contains vitamin C, vitamin B complex, and antioxidants. These three ingredients are good nutrition for hair and can fight infections on the scalp. The content of lemon juice also removes dirt and deposits from the hair roots. If you can't use lemon juice, lime juice can be used instead.

Mix ½ cup of coconut milk with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the scalp and hair, then let stand for 1 hour. When finished, rinse the hair with shampoo using a shampoo suitable for hair. How to deal with hair loss with coconut milk and lemon juice can be done twice a week.

Coconut hair mask and yogurt

The content of vitamin B5 and vitamin D in yogurt is a supporter of how to repair hair follicles. Healthy hair follicles are useful for reducing hair loss. In addition, yogurt also has antifungal properties to fight infections of the scalp. It should be noted that yogurt used is plain yogurt.

Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut milk with plain yogurt. Apply this mixture to the scalp and hair, then cover the hair with a shower cap. Leave the mask in the hair for several hours. Rinse the hair mask with shampoo using shampoo. The use of this mask can be done twice a week.

Coconut milk and turmeric hair mask

Turmeric functions to turn hair roots and encourage hair growth. In addition, turmeric also helps kill bacteria and fungi on the scalp that can cause infection. Mix ½ of coconut milk and 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder. Apply this mixture to the scalp and hair. Massage your head with your fingertips for 5 minutes and leave the mask in your hair for several hours. Finish with shampoo using a shampoo suitable for hair. Do this method 1 time a week.

Thin hair is often a problem for many people because it interferes with appearance. Many people are looking for ways to make thick hair grow thick and healthy. If the various shampoo products don't help much, the following natural ingredients are guaranteed to help, namely coconut milk.

Santan is one of the natural ingredients that is rich in nutrients which is not only delicious to be processed into dishes, but also for healthy hair. Santan is the most effective natural ingredient for growing hair because it is rich in vitamin E, iron, potassium / potassium, and various essential fats that are good for hair.

Perform routine 2 times a week, and you will get amazing results. Hair can not only be thicker and thicker but also black and glow healthy. Whether you have thin hair from birth or because you have hair loss problems, you can try this natural method with coconut milk at home.

That's a variety of ways to deal with hair loss with coconut milk. To get maximum results, do these methods regularly. Routinely check hair growth by seeing the characteristics of the hair to grow. If hair loss occurs in children, children can be given traditional remedies for hair loss in children. Also support hair growth by consuming foods that accelerate hair growth. May be useful.

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